Friday, May 14, 2010

Blogging from iPad

I leave for Prague in just over one week! In an effort to pack lightly, I've purchased an iPad to bring with me instead of a laptop (good excuse, right?). It took some research (thanks Ben!) to figure out how to transfer pictures and make blog posts, but with the BlogPress app and the camera connection kit, I think I have it all figured out. In fact, I am writing this post from the iPad.

I can't wait to have beautiful pictures of the libraries and sights in the Czech Republic. In the meantime, as I test uploading pictures, I leave you with the Lexington Public Library's current marketing campaign. (Leave a comment and tell me how you would fill in the blank!)


  1. ...need better lighting.

    ...know the words by memory to the Knuffle Bunny books by Mo Willems!

    ... learn

    ... can make small talk at parties.

    ... actually have something to say at book club meetings.

    ... can follow my friend Jen's blogs!
