School Stuff

UNC's Prague summer seminar: I attended this two-week library course in Prague in May-June 2010. This blog was created to share my experiences, pictures, and ideas from this program, and from my future adventures in librarianship.

Social Networking for Libraries: Originally completed for my class LIS 638 (Internet Technologies and Information Services), this website is an introduction to using social networking technologies such as Facebok, Twitter, blogs, and wikis for marketing public library services and connecting with other librarians and organizations for professional development and career networking. I wrote all coding, styles, and text for this website and the one below. (April 2010)

Social Networking Information Guide: Lexington Public Library Northside Branch: Another class project, for LIS 601 (Information Seeking, Retrieval, and Services). This website is a pathfinder for patrons of the Northside Branch of the LPL (where I work) to help them get started with social networking websites. (April 2010)